A.P. Marchi, Inc is a BBB Accredited Business. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Concrete Contractors in Columbus OH
Columbus, OH
740 - 919 - 4489


Your Removal and Replacement Specialists Yesterday . . .

history3Welcome to A.P. Marchi, Inc. a leading provider of concrete removal and replacement services. We assist the central Ohio residential and light commercial areas, with a focus upon the northern and eastern sides of the city. We offer prompt and courteous service to all our clients.

We offer standard concrete removal and replacement services along with new concrete installations that are designed to fit your exact specifications. We are licensed by the city of Columbus as a sidewalk and driveway approaches contractor. We offer free written estimates that fully outline all work and material required for each job.

On our staff we have an American Concrete Institute certified Concrete Flatwork Technician. We maintain proper licensing, liability insurance and workman’s compensation insurance for all work that we perform. We use the highest quality materials in all our concrete applications through our association with Anderson Concrete and Buckeye Ready Mix.

. . . And Today


When you ask A.P. Marchi, Inc for a quotation for a job you will be pleasantly surprised by our competitive pricing and convenient payment methods. We use a variety of solutions for the removal and replacement of existing concrete installations. We also can provide multiple options for creating the decorative finishes you desire.

We use the latest tools and equipment to ensure your concrete job is completed correctly and on time. In addition, our employees have extensive experience in the concrete trade to ensure the craftsmanship of the project is second to none. We value our customers and enjoy seeing a satisfied customer after the completion of a job.

To arrange for a free estimate please fill out the contact form located anywhere on the website and you will be contacted via email to set up an appointment.


2024 Super Service Award

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